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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Yes, I resigned.
Guess, my wish to be a manager just didn't work out as how I thought it would be.
Oh well...

I resigned due to a few factors.

1. My mom have been bugging and nagging me due to the nature of the job. She doesn't like her daughter going on the streets selling things. I guess it's normal for parents to react in such a way especially after spending so much on my education. I tried explaining my reasons for staying in the business but she seems to object it very strongly.

2. It striked me during the CNY holidays that what I really want to do in life revolves around my passion and interest and not really money. Of course having fnancial independence at a young age is very attractiv but I don't want to be doing my job for the sake of the money. I want to be doing my job at my own commitment and willingness. I can be a workaholic if I really like the job and money is not an issue (of course if the pay is good it's better lah).

3. I believe that I will be successful (one day) if I like the job and put a lot of hardwork now because I'm lack of experience for the time being. I want to be successful and be known for something (not for selling perfumes only). So, for the mean time I shall gather whatever experience possible since my boss is a very influencial man and hopefully with all the knowledge and experiences, my future will be more secured.

So, now I'm actually working for SDG Consulting under Tengku Indra, a very influencial man, as a Human Capital Associate. Fuh, the title is super-the-canggih-makes-me-feel-so-sophisticated I like the job so far although I have yet to start working. I'll be meeting clients with him next week and attend an event with YTL (Yes, Keshia and Ming Zi I remember the name now ;p) next Sunday. I have a pack schedule next week from Wednesday to Sunday. My first corporate meeting with Suria KLCC owner :D Oh and the best part, I don't have to go to office wan! hehehe. I work from home because my boss is a Singaporean and he's only in Malaysia from Wednesday to Saturdays. So, most of the time on Monday and Tuesday I'll be working at home... Wednesday to Saturday meet my boss at the Starbucks nearby my house (I no transport lah that's why meet somewhere convenient for me) for meeting and discussion for upcoming events for a few hours only lah (not 9am to 5pm job lah this one). Of course if got clients I will need to tag along to learn and see how he does things lah. But, I guess it will be pretty fun... I hope.

Now, I will have a lot more time as compared to my previous job to reply mails, messages on MSN, SMSes, phone calls and more time to spend with friends. Now you people can ask me out to yam cha at night liao since my working hours very flexible :)

Mel O gave her order @ 5:50 AM
2 minions